Located on the edge of a lake on the Central Coast of NSW, the site is level and covered in mature paper bark and eucalyptus trees. The brief was to design a simple yet spirited holiday encampment for a young family that would blend with the surrounding natural environment
The plan is a cluster of 6 pavilions raised on a platform to avoid flooding and centred on an open court. The pavilions nestle under the existing tree canopy with a large two way fireplace anchoring the central court. Conceived as a cluster of sheds or tents, the simple mono pitched roofs minimise their presence while letting in sun and breezes between the buildings.
The challenges of swamp-like soil conditions, tidal surges and bushfires have resulted in a structure of entirely recycled and naturally fire-retardant timbers. The structure is built on piles creating a platform 1 metre above ground. All the timbers are designed to fade to a mellow grey matching the surrounding trees
The pavilions collect and store their own water in 4 large above-ground tanks, two of which are kept for fire fighting. Waste is treated on site with an Envirocycle system. The two-sided central fireplace made from off form concrete heats both the main living pavilion and the central court. Cooling is achieved by sliding walls, opening louvres and electric ceiling fans.
Builder: Neil Riles
Engineer: Northrop Consulting Engineers
2007 MBA House of the year